Thursday, October 30, 2008

Reminders regarding library usage

Hello everyone,

Please be reminded of the following guidelines regarding library usage:

If you would like to familiarize yourself with books that are available via the JAC or Gemini libraries, please log-on to:

If you would like to search the catalog of books that are available in the libraries, this may be done via the "search engine" located at the top of the webpage.

If you would like to borrow a book from the JAC library, an electronic signout system has been established.

To borrow a JAC-owned book, please complete the e-signout form that is on the laptop computer located to the side of the copier machine in the library. A notice will be sent to Anna Lucas and Xiaoyu Zhang, (the Gemini/JAC librarian), indicating that a book has been signed out. (You will receive a copy of the message as well).

When use of the book is no longer required, please remember to return to the book directly to Anna Lucas at the JAC so that your name is removed from the "borrowed" list.

If you return the book directly to the library and do not notify Anna of its return, your name will remain against the borrowed book on the JAC's records and you will be responsible for the book should it need to be replaced.

Likewise, if a member of staff wishes to borrow a book from you without having the book recorded as "returned", please notify Anna, either by e-mail via or by telephone at 969-6508, otherwise you will remain responsible for the book should it go missing.

Also, please note that the Gemini library is open to use by the JAC staff.
However, Gemini has a different sign-out system. As a result, please contact Xioayu Zhang either by e-mail via or by telephone at 974-2617, should you wish to browse their collection or borrow a book from their facility.

With regard to journals, both libraries have a collection of various journals in addition to shared journals. You may access major astronomical journals online via the library web site. The printed versions may be found at the JAC library. Should you need an article that is outside our subscriptions, please contact Xiaoyu or Anna for assistance.

Please note, also, that both Xiaoyu and Anna are part-time workers. While they both work from Monday - Friday each week, their office hours are as follows:

Xiaoyu 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon
Anna 7:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.

As a result, please make every effort to give them as much notice as possible if you might require their assistance in any way.

Thank you very much for using our library resources and for your cooperation in following the above guidelines.

Anna Lucas and Xiaoyu Zhang